Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A great party

Meaghan's 2nd birthday party was amazing. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the food was great (thanks to Mitch for grilling, Becky for Strawberry Jello pretzel salad, Janine for baked beans & my mom for brownies & strawberries and dip) and everyone had a great time. The bounce house rental was clearly the best investment to the party. The kids spent the entire party bouncing- we had to drag them out just to eat! Even cake and goodie bags held no allure compared to the bounce house. Meg had such a blast!  (And I'll be honest, I tried the bounce house and I get why the kids liked it- it was so much fun!)

Happy girl, bouncing away in her birthday bounce house
Hanging with her cousins
Daddy, Meg & Mama, posing with Mike & Sully
Meg loving on Grandpa
                              Meg's Monsters Inc. cake- thanks to ShariCakes- she does such amazing things!

Meg's Nana & Grandpa
Meg & Auntie Dana
Peekin' out of the bounce house
She loved everyone singing to her!
Grandpa, Uncle Kev, Steph & Grammy
Having a great time!
Daddy & the birthday girl
Opening presents- she liked it, but was confused as to why they were taken away from her as she opened them. She finally refused to let go of a tube of Little People that Aunt Becky & her family gave her until we opened them. She carried them with her the rest of the party. Everyone was so amazingly generous. When we got home and were unloading, Michael said it looked like Meg robbed Toys R Us!
Thanks for all the AWESOME presents! She was good & told everyone thank you!
                                      Grammy got Meg the cutest Babbling Boo doll- it even sings!

Many, many thanks to all the people who helped us throw Meg such a great party, helped set up or clean up and for being so generous and loving to our girl. We love you and couldn't have done it without you!


Susan said...

Well, I have to tell you that Meg's party was alot of fun - even for an old Grammy like me! Everything was perfect - from the decorations to the food to all the people there who clearly love and adore this little girl. Thank you to Mommy and Daddy for throwing such a fantastic bash to mark this big year. Meg is beyond lucky to have you as her parents. And hey, she doesn't need anything for at least 6 months - at the very least! tee hee....:-D