Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New beginnings for Mama

I'm all signed up to start my Master's classes on August 1st. I'm going through Western Govenor's- on online school in Utah that specializes in online Master's degrees. I know that I need my Master's, but I knew that I couldn't spend in a regular classroom. I couldn't imagine going to work all day and then spending 3 or more nights a week in classroom to get my master's. I would miss Meg far, far too much. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my school work done after Meaghan goes to bed. I really hope that this will be the best of two worlds- it'll just require quite a bit of juggling on my part. My stepmom, who watches Meg 3 days per week, is insisting on starting dinner at my house on the days she's watching Meaghan. She's such a sweetheart and she's so willing to help us out. I'm going to try to get stuff frozen for the school year, like right before Meaghan was born. I'll probably make meatballs, maybe a lasagna or two. Anything that I can throw in the crock pot the night before and cook all day while we're at work.
It's funny- Meaghan has gotten so much easier over time- she's easier to reason with, to talk to and much more fun. Now, as she gotten easier, I've found a way to make life complicated again!