Friday, June 4, 2010


Yesterday was a beautiful day. After school, Michael, Meg, the dogs and I all went for a walk. It was really hot & muggy- you could tell rain was coming. Once we got home, Meg and I were blowing bubbles on the back porch when the rain started. My first instinct was to rush inside, but then I remembered how fun I thought it was to play in the rain when I was a kid. Plus, the weather (and the rain!) were warm, so she and I stood under the shelter of the back porch and put our hands out to feel it. She dragged me inside to get her hat (actually one of mine that shrunk in the dryer) then back outside to use her shovel to catch the rain. The whole time, she was laughing and crowing "Feel it! Feel wrain, Mama!" It's so amazing to witness the joy that something so simple can create. For her, it was the rain. For me, it was her.
