Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cheerful, even at 3 am

Last night, I was pretty busy. I made dinner, made soup for dinner for tonight, did 4 loads of laundry and attempted to pick up the house. So by the time 7:30 rolled around, I had spent only about 2 hours of actual playtime with Meg out of the 5 hours I'm home with her in the evening. I was feeling like a pretty lousy mom, so after her bath, we did our typical wind down routine- music, book, rocking in the glider. She was so exhaused that she just put her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I was pretty tired myself, so I thought that I would just go, lay down in bed and snuggle with her floppy, sleeping self for awhile. Well, I'm sure you can guess what really happened. We both slept, until about 3 am. I'm busy dreaming about hamburgers falling from the sky (we watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs- super cute!) and I feel tapping on my face. Just one little finger....tap...tap...tap, right above my left eyeball. Then

"Yes, Meaghan?"
"Hi Mama"
"Hi Meg. It's still night night time."
"Hi Mama."
"Night night time, Meg. Mama's sleepy"
"No Mama, wake up. Wake UP! WAKE UP!" (Big smile, I think)

I feel bad, but she went straight from our bed back to her bed. It was still night night time.