Sunday, August 1, 2010

10 things about Meg, this very second

1. She loves trains, disney princesses and this horrible DVD called Baby Songs, chock full of early 1990's hair and clothes. She loves it, we hate it.
2. She's soooo tall. She's wearing 3T clothes and just seems to keep getting taller. I'm afraid to buy her fall jeans and pants because I'm worried she's going to grow again.
3. She's crabby when she wakes up. She needs a cuppy and a snuggle for about 10 minutes before she's ready to start her day. (and truthfully, I love the snuggles, so it's fine with me!)
4. She eats gummy vitamins with glee, even though she knows it's Nemo.
5. She is terrified of clowns. We went to the circus and the clowns freaked her out so bad, she ran out of the tent like her butt was on fire!
6. We read her two books every night and the two that I read her regularly, she can finish the sentences if I stop while I'm reading. It won't be too long until she's reading.
7. She sings. I love it so much. We'll be in the car or she'll be playing by herself and I'll hear "Hey soul sista" or "You are my sunshine" in her little high pitched voice.
8. She has spent her first night away from home, last night and she was brave- no tears and she had a great time with Nana & Grandpa.
9. She loves the boys and the boys love her. Most of her little buddies are boys & she has a great time with them.
10. We love her so, so much!