Thursday, August 12, 2010

100 posts

This is my 100th post on Meg's blog. I can hardly believe it. But I love blogging about my girl & I hope you enjoy it too. In order to celebrate, here's my list of 100 things I love about my girl. (In no particular order)

1. Her nickname- I mean honestly, what's not to love about "Meglet"
2. Her enthusiam for everything.
3. How she orders the dogs around.
4. How she gets hyper when she eats chocolate covered donettes
5. she needs a cuddle in the morning when she wakes up
6. How she loves to bite cherry tomatoes and suck out the insides
7. When she says "I take you, Mama"
8. She loves princess dresses
9. She calls herself Princess Meaghan when she sees herself in a picture
10. How when she was born, during her first few minutes, she looked so befuddled, like "how did I get here?"
11. When she was in the NICU, she was so fiesty she pulled out her IV multiple times
12. she was so relieved (as was I) when we finally cuddled for the first time
13. we snuggled together on the couch, sleeping chest to chest for the first few months of her life. It was the only way we got any sleep!
14. she has adored her Daddy from Day 1.
15. Her smile is open and genuine, all the time
16. Her mouth turns into a complete rectangle when she's upset and about to cry
17. She's dramatic.
18. She gives the best hugs.
19. Mommy always gets kisses upon request. Daddy sometimes get kisses upon request.
20. Her eyes are a beautiful combination of blue and greenish.
21. Her curls are too cute!
22. Her moles, one near her left ear, the other near her left eye. I watched both of them develop as she got older.
23. She's so smart
24. She sings in the car.
25. She sings the songs I sang as a kid, like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and You are my Sunshine
26. She sings songs her Daddy teaches her which are typically inappropriate, but funny!
27. She just found a tomato worm outside and brought it in to show me. I love her excitement when finding new things.
28. She loves looking at her scrapbooks that I have made her.
29. She's sweet.
30. She's ticklish on the backs of her thighs, her feet and her belly
31. She loves to be outside
32. During a friend's birthday party, she resisted the urge to open the friends presents. It was hard, but she did it and I was so proud of her!
33. She waves at other kids and yells "Hi Kid!"
34. She is so social
35. She is brave
36. She is willing to try new things, however hesitant she may be.
37. She's nosy- always asking "Where is _______" (Fill in the blank with anyone)
38. She loves animals
39. She & I rode an elephant together and she thought it was amazing!
40. She uses words like inappropriate when appropriate!
41. She makes me smile- even when I'm grumpy
42. She loves anything little- rocks, sticks, dolls, toys- as long as they are little.
43. How she takes my hand and walks with me down the stairs.
44. She's so independent.
45. Her love for her blankey
46. How she says "pul eeeze"
47. That she dips her chicken nuggets in hot mustard sauce, just like her Daddy
48. That I come home from work just to see her
49. That she'll ask "what happened" when she hears a loud noise
50. Swinging on the swings at the park. Most often, she faces out and we swing together, but sometimes, she turns around and leans her head on my shoulder.
51. She has a fiery temper
52. She loves kitties
53. She finishes sentences from the book I read to her at night.
54. The look in her eyes after I come home from work
55. She loves chocolate almost as much as Michael
56. The greedy look in her eye when she's eating chocolate
57. How much she loves swimming
58. She would rather eat ketchup than anything else right now.
59. When she eats the ketchup, she regularly uses her fingers.
60. When she's sleepy, she rubs her eyes and her blankey on her nose
61. She askes when she's going to school again
62. How I can't resist when she asks me to "Come here"
63. She's gentle
64. How she pats my back when I hug her.
65. How she'll reach up and pat my face.
66. That she loves to open a present and blow out birthday candles
67. She knows how to play all by herself, even though she'd much rather have you play with her.
68. She calls her back pack her "pack pack"
69. Her go to foods that I know she'll almost always eat- strawberries and tomatoes- are healthy. (but don't tell her!)
70. She wants to please us so much and is so proud of herself when she does.
71. She has the cutest feet- along with my toes!
72. How she repeats anything you say
73. How she always chooses the same books for me to read to her at night.
74. How she pulls the covers up to her chest before she goes to sleep.
75. How she looks in her pink, silky monkey nightgown
76. How she will say "cheese" for the camera
77. When we go for a bike ride, how she looks in her pink princess helmet
78. She loves to have fun.
79. How excited she gets to see her cousins
80. How excited she gets to see her grandparents
81. She likes preschool so much that she doesn't want to come home.
82. That she still calls her sippy cup a "ba ba"
83. That she likes "Toy Story", "Shrek", and "Monsters Inc."- not really girly movies but movies that have good lessons
84. How much she loves bubbles
85. How she will stay with me in the store if it means she doesn't have to ride in the cart.
86. Her giggle
87. How she warms up to people she knows love her
88. How she has to concentrate to throw rocks into the water
89. Her concern for others
90. How she watches her shoes light up when she walks.
91. She sings the "ah ah ah" song from "The Little Mermaid"
92. She makes me want to try harder to be a better parent
93. She's skeptical of all characters in costume, the Easter Bunny, Santa, Bert and Ernie
94. She loves to have her piggies painted
95. She loves to make us smell her stinky piggies
96. She likes jewlery- any kind
97. She gets hyper after a chocolate mini donut
98. She hates bandaids
99. She's a great combination of her dad & I
100. She's my baby girl- what's not to love!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


We don't buy donuts. I would be too tempted to shove all of them in my mouth all at once simultaneously choking and going into insulin shock. But being on a health kick lately has allowed me to resist temptation. So to Michael's delight, I bought a bag of tiny chocolate cover donuts, which to the best of my knowledge, Meg has never had. I gave her two for breakfast and at first she resisted.

She said "no want gonuts"

I said "Me neither toots! But try this. It's like a cupcake!"

And to that she said "Ok, Mama!"

Now she has a donut clenched in both hands, nibbling on it like a squirrel nibbles on an acorn. Ah, we have a happy girl!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Meglet & I both started school this week- a Master's degree for me and preschool for her! As of 15 minutes ago, I finished my first class. Yay! But this blog isn't about me, it's about her, so let me tell you about her first day. We got up a little later than what will be our regular time, had breakfast, got ready and headed to school around 8:30. She had to wear her "pack pack"- her Minnie Mouse backpack and she carried her Hello Kitty lunch box. The whole way there, I kept telling her how much fun she'd have, make sure to say thank you, be good, etc. When we got there, she walked in and immediatly went over to play. I made small talk with her teacher, made sure blue blankey was in her "pack pack" and just watched. The other little girls were really interested in her, especially her pigtails, but she was interested in toys! I finally told her I had to leave and she came up, hugged my legs and said "Oh Mama" in a little voice. But she went back to play and I left to go have a few tears in the car by myself.
When I came to pick her up at 3:15, she was happy as a clam playing. In fact, she was not interested in leaving. I even told her I was leaving and actually walked out the door and she just kept playing. Her teacher said she did really well and even tried to use the potty like some of the other potty trained girls in class! I finally got her to go and she leaned over my shoulder to wave and said "Bye bye friends!" While we were pulling out of the parking lot, she said "Go play with friends, Mama?" I said "next week, Meg!"
It seems like a good thing that she was so happy to go and was not interested in leaving. I really hope she likes it there. She seems to!
And here are some pics from the big day!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

10 things about Meg, this very second

1. She loves trains, disney princesses and this horrible DVD called Baby Songs, chock full of early 1990's hair and clothes. She loves it, we hate it.
2. She's soooo tall. She's wearing 3T clothes and just seems to keep getting taller. I'm afraid to buy her fall jeans and pants because I'm worried she's going to grow again.
3. She's crabby when she wakes up. She needs a cuppy and a snuggle for about 10 minutes before she's ready to start her day. (and truthfully, I love the snuggles, so it's fine with me!)
4. She eats gummy vitamins with glee, even though she knows it's Nemo.
5. She is terrified of clowns. We went to the circus and the clowns freaked her out so bad, she ran out of the tent like her butt was on fire!
6. We read her two books every night and the two that I read her regularly, she can finish the sentences if I stop while I'm reading. It won't be too long until she's reading.
7. She sings. I love it so much. We'll be in the car or she'll be playing by herself and I'll hear "Hey soul sista" or "You are my sunshine" in her little high pitched voice.
8. She has spent her first night away from home, last night and she was brave- no tears and she had a great time with Nana & Grandpa.
9. She loves the boys and the boys love her. Most of her little buddies are boys & she has a great time with them.
10. We love her so, so much!