Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Princess has arrived!

The family was at Target today and they had a ton of summer formal dresses on clearance. I always buy those type of dresses on clearance, since they are always so expensive and never on sale when you actually need them. So, Michael picked out a beautiful white one and later on in the evening as I was carrying it up the staits, she decided to strip off the dress she was wearing and wanted to try on her new dress. Now granted, it's big on her right now, a 4T. But come Easter, it should fit like a glove. What makes me laugh even more is her current toy obsession. In June, I bought her this Little Mermaid doll that is about the size of your index finger that had a couple of plastic dresses that she (ahem, we) could take on and off. She loved them so much that we have since added Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Jasmine from the movie Alladin. So putting new dresses on her dolls has become the highlight of the summer. (In fact, we are bribing her with the Cinderella doll if she uses the potty!) So, back to the story. Once her dress was on, she wanted to dance. So we danced all over the upstairs until she decided she wanted her sparkle shoes on. So we put sparkle shoes on, went downstairs and found her purple magic wand which she then used to tap the dog on the nose. After that, she demanded to be called Cinderella until Cinderella grew so tired that she had to be put to bed with the promise of more dress up tomorrow. And they all lived happily ever after!
Check out her wand!