Monday, May 10, 2010

Aren’t we pretty???

Meg has finally grown enough hair that we are starting to get her used to headbands (which she will tolerate) and bows & hair ties (which she will not). She recently earned her own drawer in the bathroom after I decluttered and threw out bags full of old makeup, dried up nail polish and half a million beauty products that didn’t work. After her bath last night, I was combing her hair (read: chasing her through the bathroom, armed with detanging spray and a comb, getting a swipe in here or there) and she noticed her drawer that I had left open. She started playing with all of her little head bands and thought it was very fun to put them on Mommy. She was very serious- she would put one on, stand back and look at me, then take one off only to replace it with another (or two!) I couldn’t laugh, because she was taking it so seriously, but I made Michael take a picture of us because it was too funny.
P.S.- Please don’t mind my red, shiny face. I always wash my face while she’s in the tub!


Susan said...

I always say 2 headbands are better than one. You just never know when one might fall off. I think Meg is going to be a girlie girl like her Mommy! Cute pictures!