Sunday, August 30, 2009

Such a girl....

Meg loves shoes already!

Daddy's Birthday

Can you tell she enjoyed the chocolate cake????

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

15 month check up

Meg went to the doctor's office today for my check up and she's am growing like a weed. The newest stats:

Height- 32 inches tall (95th percentile!)
Weight- 23 lbs 9 ounces (50th percentile)

And ahe got two shots today- a HIB and a MMR and it took four grown adults to hold her down!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Kalahari, Part 1

We took a little pre school year vacation. We've been really busy this summer and Michael and I decided it would be a good idea to get away for a couple of days before the craziness starts.
Meg had so much fun! She and Daddy hopped right in once we got there.
We played in the wave pool with the floaties.
Meglet remembered these little bubblers from last time and spent a good 10 minutes just playing with them.

Daddy and Meg, enjoying the wave pool. Look at those smiles!

Kalahari, Part 2

More pictures of all the fun we had at Kalahari!

Meg fell asleep right in the middle of all the fun, but Mama and Daddy both sat in the shade with her to keep her company

Daddy won this ball at Kalahari in the arcade. On the walk back to the room, Meg showed everyone in the hallway my ball, telling each person "ba ball!" in a very excited tone of voice!

Dad and Meaghan making a splash together!

Daddy and Meg having breakfast together in our room

Monday, August 3, 2009


Earlier in the spring, I bought Meg a inflatable bouncy... thing. I finally blew it up for Her and she love bouncing on it.
Wait... is it both feet together to jump, or left than right, or right than left????
I never remember...

My enthusiam for this giant bouncy thing is truly unbridled!

Look! My bouncy thing and I match!
(and Mama didn't do that on purpose...although that is something she would do!)